1. Informed Consent The author(s) have not provided any personal information that may make the identity of the patient recognizable in any form of a description of a part, photograph, or pedigree. If the photographs of the patient are essential and indispensable as scientific information, the author(s) have received informed consent in written form and have clearly stated it. 2. Human and Animal Rights In case of human experiments, the author(s) have certified that the process of the research is in accordance with ethical standards of the Helsinki Declaration and domestic and international committees that preside over human experiments. If any doubts are raised about whether the research proceeded in accordance with the declaration, the author(s) will explain it. In case of experiments on animals, the author(s) have certified that the author(s) have followed domestic and international guidelines related to experiments on animals in a laboratory. 3. Copyright Transfer
The author(s) have received consent from the author or editor about the picture or the table that was quoted from other journals or books. No portion of the article has been published in other journals or has been contributed to other journals and is under review. 4. Disclosure of Conflict of Interest The author(s) of the article have clarified all interests that may arise, such as research expenses, consultant expenses, stock, and any particularly concerned person, in the disclosure of conflicts of interest.